Tuesday 2 April 2013

5 Foods NEVER To Eat!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Healthy Eating To Lose Weight!

Looking for a healthy eating plan

If you type healthy eating plan into Google, your search will return an astonishing 335,000 results!  That’s a lot of companies providing various healthy eating plans… and a lot of people searching for healthy eating plans and easy ways to lose weight too! So how do you know if you’ve found the right one?
The Government has eight guidelines for a healthy diet and Slimming World’s healthy eating plan,Food Optimising, agrees with every single one!  On top of that, it’s a healthy eating plan based on orthodox nutrition, where choice is of the utmost importance.

So if you’re one of those people who have typed in ‘healthy eating plan’ and found our website, read on to discover why you’ve come to the right place!

Guideline 1: enjoy your food

Food Optimising, our evidence-based healthy eating plan positively encourages you to eat unlimited amounts of Free Food, which need never be counted or measured, so you need never go hungry, and we strongly recommend you don't deprive yourself of your favourites either!

Guideline 2: eat a variety of different foods

Variety and choice are key to success. At Slimming World no food is banned, no food group is left out, and eating a wide range of different foods is actively encouraged. Don't believe it? Follow our healthy eating plan for just 3 months and try to prove us wrong!

Guideline 3: eat the right amount to be a healthy weight

Based on a scientific understanding of appetite and how to satisfy it, our healthy eating plan helps you learn to make healthy food choices, which naturally limit your calorie intake without counting a single calorie.

Guideline 4: eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre

Whichever Food Optimising choice you go for, there's a huge wealth of starchy, fibre-rich options to choose from including  pasta, potatoes, rice, pulses, cereals, bread, Food Optimising ensures that your body receives the recommended daily amount of fibre to keep your body healthy.

Guideline 5: don't eat too many foods that contain a lot of fat

Unlike other diets, at Slimming World those fatty foods that we crave so much are not banned when you’re healthy eating. Plan to make different choices – we’ll show you how in group, and by staying within your chosen allocation of Syns, you will naturally limit your intake of fatty foods and continue to lose weight.

Guideline 6: don't have sugary foods and drinks too often

Sugary foods and drinks are naturally limited by their designated Syn values. On our healthy eating plan, diet and low-cal drinks are Free! Also for a healthier chocolate fix, we even have nutritious, fibre-filled Hifi bars!

Guideline 7: look after the vitamins and minerals in your food

Our healthy eating plan positively encourages us to include foods high in essential vitamins and minerals, by choosing Free Foods and Healthy Extras.

Guideline 8: if you drink alcohol, drink within sensible limits

Simply include your drinks within your normal 5-15 Syns daily. That way you will naturally stay within the recommended intake levels.
Unlike faddy, short-term dieting, a healthy eating plan should be enjoyable, delicious and family-friendly, not to mention generous and flexible enough to follow for life-long success. 
Any healthy eating plan that tells you that, to lose weight, you won’t need to change a thing is lying!  At Slimming World we will ask you to make simple and achievable changes to the way you shop, cook and eat… and the results will benefit your health, help your weight loss and simply amaze you.

To Find Out More, Please visit: http://www.slimmingworld.com/useful-features/healthy-eating-plan.aspx

Friday 22 March 2013

13 Secrets the Weight Loss Pros Don’t Tell You

Good Morning America” teamed up with Reader’s Digest on a special series, “13 Things Experts Won’t Tell You.”
This month, Reader’s Digest unveils the secrets weight loss professionals won’t tell you, like how to maximize your workouts, what may be holding you back from losing weight and how to get the most bang for your buck.
1. Do not arrive at a training session in the following states: a. on an empty stomach, b. coming off a cold/stomach bug, or c. on four hours’ sleep. It wastes your time and a personal trainer’s when your body isn’t fueled, hydrated and ready to work.
2. If you find your workouts are getting a little stale, a trainer is a great way to put some pep in your push-ups. If you can’t afford one, get some friends together for a small group session. They cost less per person – and working out with friends is proven to improve your commitment and overall weight loss.
3. To kick start your metabolism, opt for intervals. In a recent study, women who did 20 minutes of cycling sprints lost three times as much fat as those who cycled slowly and steadily for 40 minutes.
4. When you hit the point where you think you can’t go on, imagine you have a trainer right next to you, cheering for you. Studies show that actively encouraging yourself improves outcomes.
5. You can do OK at the drive thru. There are now some reasonable options if you look for them.  Stay away from anything with the word “crispy,” steer clear of all mayo-heavy sauces (use mustard instead) and stick to no-fat dressing.
6. Nibble on the move. If you are shopping and fading from hunger, avoid settling in at the food court and, instead, nibble your way through a shopping marathon.  Pick up a snack, such as a hot pretzel, a small bag of roasted nuts from a kiosk or even a chicken taco and nibble on the move.  Portable meals can still weigh you down, so check calorie counts on your mobile phone before you go.
7. Douse your afternoon slump or hunger pangs with water.  The energy drop that hits in afternoon is likely a combination of perfectly natural factors – the results of a light lunch, mild dehydration, a momentarily lack of iron or a crash off that coffee you had at the late-morning meeting.  Before wandering to the cafeteria or fridge, start your recovery with a tall glass of water, which boosts your blood flow and, as a side benefit, makes you feel full.
8. It’s hard to win against a cookie. While food is not addictive the way cocaine or alcohol is, there are some uncanny similarities.  When subjects at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia were shown the names of foods they liked, the parts of the brain that got excited were the same parts activated in drug addicts.
9. Your bedroom, not the kitchen might be making you fat. Sleep deprivation upsets our hormone balance, triggering both a decrease in the hormone leptin (which helps you feel full) and an increase of the hormone ghrelin (which triggers hunger).  As a result, we think we’re hungry even though we aren’t – and so we eat.  Sleep may be the cheapest and easiest obesity treatment there is.
10. Your weight really is genetic. When scientists first discovered a gene in certain chubby mice, they called it simply the fatso gene.  Turns out, people with two copies of the gene were 40 percent more likely to have diabetes and 60 percent more likely to be obese than those without it.  Those with only one copy of the gene weighed more too.  But your “destiny” is no excuse.
11. Ear infections can taint your taste buds. In one study of more than 6,000 people, researchers found that people over age 35 who had suffered several ear infections had almost double the chance of being obese.  Why?  These infections can damage a taste nerve running through the middle ear.  When researchers found the at former ear-infection patients were a little more likely to love sweets and fatty foods, they theorized that the damaged nerve might cause them to have a higher threshold for sensing sweetness and fattiness.
12. Fat might be your mom’s fault. A growing body of science suggests that sugary and fatty foods consumed even before you’re born can mess with your weight.
13. At dinner, make yourself useful serving people and cleaning up.  It gets you away from your plate, but still makes you a vital part of the meal.
Web Extra Tips: What Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You!
  • If you concentrate on the exercise you are doing with the same intensity as talking about the latest gossip about your life, you would find it easier.
  • Trainers know you are eating more than you tell them.
  • It takes more than writing a check or showing up for training sessions to make you fit and healthy. It’s what you do before and after you meet with your trainer, including choices with food, alcohol and workouts, and a commitment to a new lifestyle.
  • Ask you trainer what she or he does to keep educated in the field. An educated trainer will get better results and provide variety to keep you engaged and motivated in your workouts.
  • When you are late, it is a waste of your money, a waste of my time and disrespectful.
  • Trainers see through your stall tactics. “I think I need to fill my water bottle.” “Let me get a dry towel real quick.” “Oh, I need to go to the bathroom again.” Nice try. But you’re paying for the session, so make every minute count.
  • There is a difference between pain and burn, and you need to be honest with your trainer about which you’re feeling. If you push so hard that you injure yourself, you both lose.
  • Whatever the text or email says, it can wait until you’re done with your workout. And no, you cannot text and put forth 100 percent effort at the same time.
  • The trainer does not have time to get sick. Cancel your session if you’re carrying germs.
  • Gear matters. Don’t expect to get maximum performance and results by working out in the ratty gym shoes and shorts you dug out of that old box of college dorm clothes. Invest in a good pair of sneakers. Your feet and joints will thank you, and so will your trainer.
  • Remember that a 30-minute session at max effort is better – and cheaper – than 60 minutes of dawdling and half-effort.
  • Stop whining and push through those last few reps.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Insane Celebrity Weight Loss Stories You'll Barely Believe

Everyone loves hearing about Celebrities.  What they eat and drink, where the party and what fashions they’re wearing.   Even better is keeping track of those top stars with their amazing hot bodies.  But the best of all?  It’s when celebrities who have fallen off the rails get their stuff together and turn it around from “fat” to “fabulous”.
Here are the most incredible examples of Celebrities weight loss.   Enjoy – and use their examples for your own motivation!

When it comes to celebrity weight loss, the Jennifer Hudson’s weight loss story couldn’t be better. These celebrity weight loss before and after pics surely show Hudson as a weight loss inspiration for women everywhere. Celebrity weight gain is easy to mock, but Hudson has left her critics wowed and is looking great.
Hudson lost eighty pounds after teaming up with Weight Watchers, and is now at her ideal size six. She decided to drop pounds for health reasons, especially after the birth of her son, for whom she wanted to be healthy.
Celebrity weight loss is always inspiring, but Hudson carries her new look with grace. She says she’s done losing weight now, and wants to remain fit and healthy.

A little celebrity weight gain is normal if you’re a TV chef, but Rachel Ray is a celebrity weight loss success story. For a little weight loss inspiration, check out these celebrity weight loss before and after pictures and see why the Rachel Ray weight loss story is so satisfying.
The chef and TV host started losing weight when she joined a gym to help her recover from surgery. Since then she’s dropped around three dress sizes, but claims not to know how much weight she’s lost, since she never weighs herself. She simply wanted to be fitter and healthier, and of course to look good.
Ray has to be a great role model for celebrity weight loss. We love that she doesn’t emphasise the numbers, but is content with looking and feeling good.

When you think about celebrity weight gain, then Kirstie Alley might be one of the first names that comes to mind. But these celebrity weight loss before and after photos should prove you wrong. The Kirstie Alley weight loss story is now a weight loss inspiration to millions of women. When it comes to celebrity weight loss, Alley has finally done it right.
After years of yo-yo-ing weight, Alley finally kicked off her exercise plan when she appeared on Dancing With the Stars, and has now lost close to a hundred pounds, and continued with her own diet plan. She claims that her inspiration was a life long problem with her weight that she finally wanted to beat.
Alley is now looking fabulous at sixty one, and is wowing crowds during touring for her new book. Great work Kirstie!

You might not think of Perez Hilton when you think of celebrity weight gain, but the celebrity weight loss before and after pics below should show you that even he can be a weight loss inspiration. When it comes to celebrity weight loss, even the Perez Hilton weight loss story makes headlines, especially since he claims to be the king of media.
Hilton claims he’s lost around seventy pounds, after making a commitment to his health four years ago. And since he’s now single, his new skinny image is extra important to him.
Perez may never have been particularly chunky, but he now looks delicious, and he says he feels great too.

The Josh Peck weight loss story is weight loss inspiration to everyone who had a childhood obesity problem. Celebrity weight gain was never a problem for Peck, who became a child star despite his weight. These celebrity weight loss before and after pics should show you that when it comes to celebrity weight loss, Peck should be lauded for his magnificent effort.
Peck lost over a hundred pounds with diet and exercise after deciding that he wanted to be healthier and to conquer his weight problem for good. He says that he wanted to be a role model for obese children, and has certainly proven to be one.
Josh is now looking fab, and is continuing to work promoting the problem of childhood obesity, and of course being the voice of many of your favourite animated characters.

These celebrity weight loss before and after photos show that the Jessica Simpson weight loss plan has finally been successful. Simpson has become a weight loss inspiration after her celebrity weight gain began to dominate her press coverage. When it comes to celebrity weight loss, Simpson has done it right.
Simpson lost around sixty pounds by drinking low fat smoothies three times a day. She says that the birth of her daughter finally persuaded her to take her health more seriously, and to get down to the gym.
Jess is now looking skinny and fit, and is extremely proud of her new figure. We’re pretty sure that her daughter’s proud of her too!

If anyone knows that the camera highlights celebrity weight gain it’s Khloe Kardashian. But as these celebrity weight loss before and after pics show, celebrity weight loss is definitely achievable. The Khloe Kardashian weight loss story has to be a weight loss inspiration story.
The X Factor host attributes her weight loss to a changed diet and plenty of exercise. She shunned taking weight loss supplements, and is losing weight with pure hard work. Her motivation is simply body image, she was unhappy with the way she appeared on camera, and wanted to change that.
We hope that Khloe is happy now, she’s certainly looking great. And she’s probably feeling an awful lot better too…

Alec Baldwin is probably more used to being a celebrity weight gain story than a celebrity weight loss story. But as you can see from these celebrity weight loss before and after pics, Baldwin has become a weight loss inspiration. Check out these Alec Baldwin weight loss pics and see how great he looks.
The star claims to have lost thirty pounds simply by cutting out sugar and dairy from his diet. His motivation was to be healthier, and he says that looking better is just a side effect of feeling better.
We love feasting our eyes on Baldwin’s new figure. He looks svelte and distinguished, and is a great male role model.

50 Cent was never really a celebrity weight gain story, so it’s a little surprising that he’s become a celebrity weight loss story. But these celebrity weight loss before and after photos show the truth, 50 Cent is a weight loss inspiration. The 50 Cent weight loss story is pretty motivating…
50 Cent lost more than fifty pounds to play a football star stricken with cancer in the film Things Fall Apart. He claims he accomplished this through running, and simply thinking his way thin, motivated by the part that he was going to play.
Although now he’s putting on weight in order to reach a healthier size, 50 Cent claims that he intends to remain thin and fit.

Drew Carey was never a celebrity weight gain story because he became famous for being fat and funny. But the Drew Carey weight loss story has got to be a weight loss inspiration story, as these celebrity weight loss before and after pictures show. Celebrity weight loss isn’t easy, but Carey has managed to do it.
Carey claims that he got thin because being fat sucks. He wanted to be fitter and healthier, simple as that. He started by working out, and said he had to come to the realisation that bad food was not a reward.
We’re hoping that working out is a reward though, because Carey is looking slim and great. And he’s still funny too.

A Matthew McConaughey weight loss pic? But he’s never been subject to the ignomy of celebrity weight gain!However, these celebrity weight loss before and after pics clearly show that even McConaughey can be a weight loss inspiration. Celebrity weight loss comes in many forms, and this is one of them…
McConaughey actually lost the weight (more than forty pounds) in order to play a HIV sufferer in a film called Dallas Buyers Club. He puts the weight loss down to a sensible diet plan eating very small meals, and lots of exercise.
Although he does plan to put weight back on again after the movie, McConaughey says that this weight loss has been a spiritual journey for him, leaving his feeling meditative. He is getting back to the gym soon though, saying he needs his muscle tone back…

Kim Kardashian became a celebrity weight gain story after putting on twenty five pounds whilst dating rapper Kanye West. But she now wants the Kim Kardashian Weight Loss story to be exactly that, a celebrity weight loss story. As you can see from these celebrity weight loss before and after photos, Kim’s doing her best to be a weight loss inspiration.
Kim says she was motivated by bad media attention making her have a poor body image, and she lost the weight by working out more, citing her work out buddy as the reason for her success. Even the rich and famous need to stay motivated during work outs.
Kardashian is now looking fab again, and says she’s going to steer clear of sugary foods from now on, she wants to keep her curvy figure.

As far as celebrity weight gain goes, at least Carey can put hers down to being pregnant. The Mariah Carey weight loss story can be a weight loss inspiration to new mothers everywhere though, as these celebrity weight loss before and after pictures show. Celebrity weight loss is always big news, and Carey is happy to be in the limelight.
Carey lost around thirty pounds of baby weight using Jenny Craig, and says she now feels sexier and more confident than ever. Not bad for a mother of twins.
Honestly, you’d never guess that Carey had had twins, she looks fantastic, and says that she’s feeling great. No word on any plans for more babies though…

Sara Rue is probably more used to being a celebrity weight gain story rather than a celebrity weight loss star, but as you can clearly see from these celebrity weight loss before and after pics, she deserves to be a weight loss inspiration. So what is the Sara Rue weight loss plan?
Rue says she’s lost more than fifty pounds using Jenny Craig and a sensible exercise plan. She wanted to lose the weight for her wedding, but is now ecstatic about the health benefits of being skinnier.
Rue is definitely looking great, and her husband’s a lucky man. And all this with just a little hard work, totally worth it.

Middleton has never been a celebrity weight gain story, but she is definitely a celebrity weight loss story. Clearly visible in these celebrity before and after weight loss shots, Middleton is a weight loss inspiration. What is the Kate Middleton weight loss secret?
Middleton lost an undisclosed amount of weight for the highly televised royal wedding. She famously used the Dukan diet to shed pounds to fit into her wedding dress.
Kate definitely looks great, and with a baby on the way she’s going to have to keep healthy too. We’re sure she’ll get her figure back in no time though.

Since he got famous for being funny and fat, Goodman was never a celebrity weight gain story in the press. However, he’s now a celebrity weight loss story, as these celebrity weight loss before and after pics clearly show. Goodman deserves to be a weight loss inspiration, but what is the story behind the infamous John Goodman weight loss?
Goodman claims he became disgusted with himself after seeing one of his own films and decided to lose weight to be better looking and healthier. Being an alcoholic, one of the keys for him was to stop drinking. Coupled with a good diet and exercise programme, Goodman ended up losing over a hundred pounds.
Now looking svelte and thin, Goodman is as funny as ever. Proof that you don’t need to be a fat man to be a funny man.

After being a celebrity weight gain story for so long, Janet Jackson finally gets to be a celebrity weight loss story. As is clear from these celebrity weight loss before and after pics, Jackson is now a weight loss inspiration. So just how did this Janet Jackson weight loss happen?
Jackson says that after years of yo yo dieting, she finally decided that she simply wanted to be healthy. She started eating a balanced diet, and stayed off the scales. She thinks that dependence on the scales is what started her problems in the first place, and now she’s happy not to know how much she weighs and just to be healthy.
Janet is certainly looking good. And we’re glad that she’s healthy too, and proof that yo yo dieting isn’t the answer, a healthy balanced diet is.

Seth Rogen has been a celebrity weight loss story and then a celebrity weight gain story, and then the Seth Rogen weight loss story again. But it seems that he’s finally conquered his problem, as these celebrity weight loss before and after pics clearly show. It’s about time that Rogen became a weight loss inspiration story.
Rogen lost around forty pounds by using a combination of diet and exercise. Tired of being type cast as the fat, funny guy, he decided that he’d rather be a sexy leading man. And he’s definitely accomplished that.
Seth looks fantastic, and is absolutely ready to be a Hollywood leading man now. As long as he keeps up his balanced diet there’s no fear of putting that weight back on.

The beautiful Sonam Kapoor was never a celebrity weight gain story simply because she lost weight to become famous. As far as celebrity weight loss goes though, the Sonam Kapoor weight loss story has to be a weight loss inspiration. Take a look at these celebrity weight loss before and after pics to see how great she’s looking.
A self confessed foodie, Kapoor knew she’d have to get skinnier to join the ranks of Bollywood’s famous. So she set to work with a low carb, high protein diet, eating five small meals a day. Her hard work definitely paid off.
Kapoor is still a foodie, but says she’s eating much more sensibly now, and loves her new figure.

Ricki Lake has definitely been a celebrity weight gain story in the past, but is now more used to being a weight loss inspiration. And when it comes to celebrity weight loss, the Ricki Lake weight loss story is a shining example. These celebrity weight loss before and after pics clearly show just how much work Lake has done.
Lake lost a stunning one hundred and forty pounds, using a simple balanced diet and counting her calories. She was motivated to finally beat her life long weight problem by appearing in a film called The Business of Being Born, a story about home childbirth, which is deeply personal and important for the actress.
Lake says she was used to being a big girl, and still delights in her new figure every day. We certainly hope she does, because she’s looking great.

Lea Michelle is certainly not a celebrity weight gain story, which makes it a little surprising that she could be a celebrity weight loss story. But even this slender star can be a weight loss inspiration, as these celebrity weight loss before and after pics show. What’s the secret behind this Lea Michelle weight loss?
The star claims she doesn’t know how much weight she has lost, but puts the weight loss down to keeping a strict vegan diet, working out and vitamin injections. She never intended to lose massive amounts of weight, but wanted to join the gym to be fitter and healthier.
Michelle is definitely looking toned and fit, and has a bikini ready body. Proof that even people who are already skinny can benefit from some toning up.

There’s no chance that Sofia Vergara will ever be a celebrity weight gain story, but she doesn’t want to be a huge celebrity weight loss story either, claiming to want to keep her curves. But as you can see in these celebrity weight loss before and after shots, even Vergara benefits from toning up and keeping fit and can definitely be a weight loss inspiration.
Vergara says that she doesn’t want to be super skinny, but she does want to keep her amazing body. She puts her success down to a balanced diet and a good, healthy exercise plan. She says that she’d rather be healthy than skinny, and loves her curves.
Sofia is definitely a great looking woman, and just goes to show that you don’t need to be super skinny, but a nice healthy weight. A lesson that we could all learn from.

Ricky Gervais is probably more used to being on the front page as an example of celebrity weight gain, rather than celebrity weight loss. But recently the Ricky Gervais weight loss story has been a big one. As you can see from these celebrity weight loss before and after pictures, Gervais is going to have to get used to being a weight loss inspiration.
Gervais says that he was sick of being a fat man, and wanted more respect, particularly since he started working in America. He says that the secret to his success is a fat burning work out, and cutting greasy foods out of his diet.
Ricky is certainly looking fine now, and we definitely respect him more. Anyone that works hard to be fitter and healthier deserves respect.

It’s rare that an athlete becomes a celebrity weight gain story, but Charles Barkley confesses to putting on a few pounds. However, he’s now become a celebrity weight loss story, as these celebrity weight loss before and after pictures clearly show. Can this Charles Barkley Weight Loss be a weight loss inspiration? Of course it can.
Barkley wanted to get fitter again, after slacking off in his sports training, and cites Weight Watchers as the secret to his success. It certainly seems to have worked, and Barkley is looking fitter than ever.
Even athletes can have weight problems. But Barkley is now totally happy with his weight. He’s training hard, and has vowed to eat right from now on.