Tuesday 19 March 2013

Drop A Dress Size The Fun Way!

Ladies would you like to drop a dress size and feel fabulous inside and out?  Are you fed up with feeling sluggish, bloated and lacking in energy but the thought of doing a detox, diet or cleanse just seems to much like hard work or you just don't have the time!  If you find yourself watching the TV and thinking 'of course that celeb looks amazing she has her own private chef & personal trainers, if only I had one of those!' wish no more because DanceLoss is here to give you just that.
We at DanceLoss banish the word diet, we NEVER calorie count and we wouldn't dream of recommending you starve yourself to drop a few pounds!  This dancing weight loss program is all about getting a healthy balance inside and out and our ultimate goal is to give you something you can maintain and continue once you have finished this 4 Week programme. 
What we are about to show you isn't just a diet plan we are going to  give you the tools to help you make a lifestyle change!

Emma Lost a dress size 23 inches & 18lbs

What I love most is it's not a faddy drop shed loads a weight quick, then pile it back on when you stop plan! I have monitored the weight and inches come off gradually through making healthier eating decisions and by introducing regular exercise, and to be honest I haven't felt the need to go back to bad habits at all.  To me this is not a faddy diet, it's a lifestyle change.

Article Source: http://danceloss.com

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